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Qigong Boosts Immune & Lung Function

Qigong exercises were developed in China approximately 5000 years ago.  Modern research shows that Qigong practice may benefit lung function, immune system, mood, quality of life, pain, fatigue, anxiety and stress.

The practice of Qigong has been shown to increase lung capacity, improve ventilatory function, and breathing efficiency. Qigong exercises may modify inflammation by affecting immune responsiveness.

Here are some simple videos you may follow each day:

2 minutes | Strengthen the Lungs:

8 minutes | Boost the Immune System:

41 minutes | Qigong Routine for Lungs and Immune System:



Oh B, Butow P, Mullan B, et al. Impact of medical Qigong on quality of life, fatigue, mood and inflammation in cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Oncol. Mar 2010;21(3):608-614.

Oh B, Butow P, Mullan B, et al. Medical Qigong for cancer patients: pilot study of impact on quality of life, side effects of treatment and inflammation. Am J Chin Med. 2008;36(3):459-472.

Chan AW, Lee A, Suen LK, et al. Tai chi Qigong improves lung functions and activity tolerance in COPD clients: a single blind, randomized controlled trial. Complement Ther Med. Feb 2011;19(1):3-11.

Lee MS, Lee MS, Choi ES, et al. Effects of Qigong on blood pressure, blood pressure determinants and ventilatory function in middle-aged patients with essential hypertension. Am J Chin Med. 2003;31(3):489-497.

Lan C, Chou SW, Chen SY, et al. The aerobic capacity and ventilatory efficiency during exercise in Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan practitioners. Am J Chin Med. 2004;32(1):141-150.

Yang Y, Verkuilen J, Rosengren KS, et al. Effects of a traditional Taiji/Qigong curriculum on older adults’ immune response to influenza vaccine. Med Sport Sci. 2008;52:64-76.

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